Pain in the shoulder can be caused by a number of different things. There can be a problem with the shoulder itself or the pain can stem from an issue in a different part of the spine, usually the neck area. Poor posture and shoulder position, nerve pressure, trauma to the area, or repetitive strain can all cause problems with the shoulder.
The exact cause of pain in your shoulders can be found through a full examination, possibly including x-rays. This allows our clinical team to work out which is the most suitable treatment for your case.
Conditions that can cause shoulder pain could be:
Pain in the shoulder can be caused by a number of different things. There can be a problem with the shoulder itself or the pain can stem from an issue in a different part of the spine, usually the neck area. Poor posture and shoulder position over time, nerve pressure, trauma to the area or repetitive strain can all cause problems with the shoulder. The pain can vary in intensity, from mild, infrequent pain to chronic and constant pain in severe cases.
If you’re having shoulder pain, you might notice:
Unless the shoulder pain is radiating from elsewhere in the body, our Shockwave or Laser therapies can be the best option for any kind of shoulder injury.
Disc problems and nerve impingement in the neck is a very common cause of radiating pain into the shoulder. Poor posture is also an extremely common way of developing shoulder pain. When the head carries further forward, pectoral muscles can become tighter meaning the muscles in the shoulder have to work harder. Moreover, when the head is further forward, this can increase the amount of weight the shoulders have to hold, making them at risk of injury.
We would always recommend coming to the clinic for an examination to find out exactly what’s wrong with your shoulder before suggesting exercises. Once shoulder pain levels have decreased enough to improve flexibility and range of motion, we can then give you specific exercises tailored to your needs. This will help to improve the longevity of your treatment outside of the clinic and contribute towards lasting shoulder pain relief.
Pain caused by a problem within the shoulder can lead to a build up of scar tissue, causing stiffness, decreased range of motion, reduced blood flow into the area. Shockwave therapy can help to break down the scar tissue, improve movement and reduce shoulder pain. Shockwave therapy can also increase the blood flow to the area, creating a much better healing environment for your shoulder to start repairing itself. Shockwave is especially effective with patients suffering from frozen shoulder.
On your first visit to the clinic, we will give you a full, thorough consultation. This will include a number of physical tests, and x-rays may be taken on the day. The following session will involve reviewing your results, and telling you exactly what’s wrong with your shoulder, which treatment(s) would give you the best relief and how many sessions we think you’ll need.
Flat 4, Evelyn Mansions,
Carlisle Place, Westminster,
London, SW1P 1NH
Weekdays 8.30am - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm